Xinzhou obtained his Ph.D. degree in 2021 from Department of Statistics at UCLA, where he worked with Prof. Jingyi Jessica Li. He received his Bachelor of Statistics from School of Mathematical Science, Peking University in 2016. After the graduation from UCLA, Xinzhou continued working with Prof. Jingyi Jessica Li as a postdoc. Xinzhou's research interest involves false discovery rate control in omics data analysis, analysis of quantitative trait loci accociated with transcriptome, and statistical methods in single-cell data. He is also working on disease risk prediction using genomic and genetic information.
Currently Tenure-track Assistant Professor in the Department of Statistics at Oregon State University.
80. Patowary, A., Zhang, P., Jops, C., Vuong, C.K., Ge, X., Hou, K., Kim, M., Gong, N., Margolis, M., Vo, D., Wang, X., Liu, C., Pasaniuc, B., Li, J.J., Gandal, M.J., and De La Torre-Ubieta, L. (2024). Developmental isoform diversity in the human neocortex informs neuropsychiatric risk mechanisms. Science 384(6698):eadh7688.
78. Chen, Y.E.*, Ge, X.*, Woyshner, K.*, McDermott, M.*, Manousopoulou, A., Ficarro, S., Marto, J., Kexin Li, Wang, L.D., and Li, J.J. (2024). APIR: a universal FDR-control framework for boosting peptide identification power by aggregating multiple proteomics database search algorithms. Genomics, Proteomics & Bioinformatics 22(2):qzae042. [ SOFTWARE ] [ CODE ]
Song, D.*, Chen, S.*, Lee, C.*, Li, K., Ge, X., and Li, J.J. (2023). Synthetic control removes spurious discoveries from double dipping in single-cell and spatial transcriptomics data analyses. bioRxiv. [ SOFTWARE ]
67. Wu, Y., Jin, M., Fernandez, M., Hart, K.L., Liao, A., Ge, X., Fernandes, S.M., McDonald, T., Chen, Z., Röth, D., Ghoda, L.Y., Marcucci, G., Kalkum, M., Pillai, R.K., Danilov, A.V., Li, J.J., Chen, J., Brown, J.R., Rosen, S.T., Siddiqi, T., Wang, L. (2023). METTL3-mediated m6A modification controls splicing factor abundance and contributes to aggressive CLL. Blood Cancer Discovery 4(3):228–245.
59. Li, Y.*, Ge, X.*, Peng, F., Li, W., and Li, J.J. (2022). Exaggerated false positives by popular differential expression methods when analyzing human population samples. Genome Biology 23:79. [ UCLA NEWS ] [ CODE ] | [ PDF ]
56. Ge, X.*, Chen, Y.E.*, Song, D., McDermott, M., Woyshner, K., Manousopoulou, A., Wang, N., Li, W., Wang, L.D., and Li, J.J. (2021). Clipper: p-value-free FDR control on high-throughput data from two conditions. Genome Biology 22:288. [ UCLA NEWS ] [ SOFTWARE ] [ CODE ] [ VIDEO ] | [ PDF ]
33. Ge, X.*, Zhang, H.*, Xie, L., Li, W.V., Kwon, S.B., and Li, J.J. (2019). EpiAlign: an alignment-based bioinformatic tool for comparing chromatin state sequences. Nucleic Acids Research 47(13):e77. [ SOFTWARE ] [ WEBSITE ]